Time goes so fast.

It has been 8 months since we met.


Think about how crazy that is

We fell in love with each other in such a short time.


I'm so glad I went to the engineering club


2011 Fall

When I was still studying at seattle central community college,

I suddenly felt like I gotta join some activities.

I had been studying in the U.S for 2 years but English still sucked

and I got ZERO American friends at that time

So I decided to go to the engineering club.


And in the engineering club, we were having a launching rockets project,

so on Thanksgiving, we went to the discovering park to launch the rockets.


John isn't an engineering student, but he was in the club because of his friends, William.

William is the president of the club, one of my good friends now.


But I guess the club wasn't that united, so only 5 people went to the park (plus me and john)

All of them are American, but john is filipino American, William is cambodian American.



Thats how we met each other

we didn't talk that much at that day, but I did feel good when I talked to him :)


After the rocket project, I went home and posted some photos on facebook, 

and he commented on one of his photos I posted, so that's how we went to cold stone.

We went to launch the rockets on Saturday, and the went to cold stone on the next Thursday after the club meeting with Will and Kurbien.


The day we went out, I seriously felt like John is a cute and attractive guy. 

He kept flirting with me. But I thought he did that because that's how he was, so I didn't think he would like me.


On Firday, William asked me out. He wanted me to go shopping with him, but I did not want to.

So when I met john at school atrium signing with his friends, I was trying to stay with them for a bit longer.

But then I still hung out with William, not going to shoping, instead we went to eat with other Asian Americans.

Then he took me to his high school, Franklin which is john's high school too.


And then on the way home, William got a call from john, he was asking if William wanted to go to this Vietnamese girl's birthday party.

Because I wanted to see John, I lied. I asked William to go, then we all went to the party.

At the party, I felt John and Kurbien wanted to hook up me and William.

I was so sad and mad. But I told myself John wouldn't like me. 

He is such a cute boy with nice personality, and he is good at singing, piano and guitar too.

Moreover, he has a really nice body shape LOLS


But then later at night, we went to Alki beach and ate at rad robbin.

I paid for all of them. That made John surprised too.


When William dropped me off, he was asking me " Do you like John?"

And so we had this long "john talk" and well...I admitted I do like him.

William told me John likes me too.

At first, I didn't believe till I got the message from John.


He thanked me for paying the food.

And he said he had fun watching me singing in the back and looking at the stars.


So then I just found out.

WOW Cathy will be loved too LOLS.


So the next day, we all went out again.

I guess we were trying to make things clear (?)

We went to Oasis to get some bubble tea.

John was sitting next to me like what he always did LOLS

and he was holding my hands. Be honest, I almost died when he did that.



And then all of us went to 3 dollars movie,

during the movie, john was holding my hand too.

For real, I don't even remember what the movie is about.


When we finished the movie, we met Kurbien's friends.

And those two girls were saying hi and gave kurbien a hug as greeting.

Also, they hugged john too. One of the girls said to John "oh! you smell good!" 

Then John turned to me and pointed at me, said "it's probably because of her"


Not a lot of guys will do this, I think.

And he came over, hunnged me in front of everyone like he was my boyfriend already.


the day, William let John drop me off.


That's the day.

We had 3 or 4 hours talk in the car.

I told him how I felt and how amazing this was to me.

He told me how he felt and told me I was wrong thinking he was that kind of flirty guy.


And we started dating from the day.

Dec 3, 2011

I don't care how most Americans usually do. it's too complicated.

I couldn't wait till John to ask me out.

If I like you, and you like me, what are we waiting for? right?




So now, we found we love each other so much.

And I've never loved someone the way I love john.

I'm sure that he is the one.


We even went to California on Spring break.

Now I'm in Taiwan, but John is coming in 5 days!

I'm pretty sure we're going to have fun the whole summer <3
















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